CBERS 04A transported to launch tower

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The CBERS 04A satellite was transported in the morning of dezember 12th to the launch tower of the Taiyuan base in China to be coupled with the Long March 4B launcher.

The launch is scheduled for December 20 at 12:21 am (Brasília time) and will be accompanied at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), in São José dos Campos, by audio.

FloripaSat-1 also has been integrated into the launcher’s sharing, alongside with the other rides that are gonna travel beside CBERS 04A.

Check out the complete news post on INPE’s website by clicking here (english version of the news available to be switched in top right conner).

Source: 2018 © INPE – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

@ 2021 SpaceLab UFSC – Space Technology Research Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina