Chat about Brazilian satellites and their applications in Brasilia

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In 8th of January 2020, FloripaSat-1 was represented by the Aerospace Engineer Edemar Morsch Filho in the program “Bate-papo Ciência e Tecnologia no dia a dia” (Chat Science and Technology in everyday life in english) in Brasilia.

Edemar Morsch Filho talking about the FloripaSat-1 mission

The chat had special participation of the current Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC) Marcos Pontes, the president of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) Carlos Moura and the Director of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Darcton Damião.

The program was transmited live at 18:00 pm and can be watched below in MCTIC channel (currently doesn’t have subtitles in english).

@ 2021 SpaceLab UFSC – Space Technology Research Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina